Head Magician – Melissa Snover
Melissa is energy behind all of what you see here. The Magic Candy Factory and all of the shapes you can create are her very own magical creations. She calls the shots here to make sure everything is running just perfect in every Magic Candy Factory around the world. Melissa can’t wait to spread even more Magic around the globe very soon.
Head Magician – Bastian Fassin
Bastian is the top magician at Katjes and his grandfather was the first magician to start making Katjes candies
Head of Design – Reis Hill
Reis is the magician that creates the brand of the Magic Candy Factory. From design and artwork to liaising and managing store installations with retailers using the latest 3d visualisation technology. When he isn’t eating he’s using his abilities to help spread the magic across the world!
Head of Technology – Martyn Catchpole
Martyn is the product designer and 3D printing specialist here at the magic candy factory. He gets to design all the exciting new and ground-breaking shapes you see and explore all the new features and ideas in our candy test lab. He is involved in the creation of the magic candy factory machine and implementing it worldwide to bring the magic to everyone in all walks of life.
Brand Manager – Caitlin Richards
Caitlin is our Media Magician and is in charge of promoting and spreading the magic. Her aim is to let people from all over the world learn about the Magic Candy Factory so that they can become Magic Makers too. She is also the executive assistant to Melissa, the Head Magician, and helps with lots of different aspects of our magical world.
Magical Ingredient Maker – Bulent Aydin
Bulent is a genius when it comes to making fabulous, magical candy ingredients – From those rainbow fruit flavours to our face scrunching sour finishing’s. So when you just can’t get enough of that delicious Magic Candy Factory candy taste – it’s him you have to thank for that amazing taste.